Hecate – Queen Of The Night

Hecate’s Feast was celebrated every lunar month by the Athenians of Ancient Greece. For example, they did so during the New Moon, before the first sliver of moonlight was visible in the night sky. They also showed her reverence during their last meal of the day.

Hecate’s Feast

Once a month, during the Dark of the Moon, they ate foods that honored Hecate. For the most part, this meal was the last of the day, was called the Deipnon. Many foods commonly associated with Her are raw eggs, leeks, garlic, onions, pomegranates, mushrooms, red mullet and fish roe.

At The Crossroads For Hecate

After the meal, Hecate’s Feast food offerings were carried to the designated crossroads or shrine. Generally, these places were kept in Her Honor and for lost souls of those unavenged or unready to die.  Consequently, here they could nourish themselves on their long journey out of Hades.

Some of the other offerings left at shrines, altars, and crossroads are:

She Who Waits

Being known as a protector of children, women, and the oppressed, Hecate waits and watches. As The Queen of the Night, She can see what others cannot. She knows what others fear to bring out into the light. She waits there at the crossroads for those in need of Her, in service to all who seek Her there. Next month consider what you wish to accomplish with your Hecate’s Feast.

Written by Maeven Eller-Five

September 02, 2022 — Lorraine Annacone

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